Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-Step Guide

If you're new to SHARA, this step-by-step guide is designed to help you navigate through the initial stages of using the SHARA app. Follow these steps to begin coaching Agile teams effectively within your organization.

To start your journey, follow the step-by-step guide:

Step 1: First, create a team. From the Dashboard in the left menu, click on "Coaching Teams."


Step 2: On the Coaching Teams page, click the "Create Team" button on the right side.


Step 3: This will take you to the "Create a Coaching Team" page, where you'll need to fill in the team details and connect the team to a JIRA project by selecting the appropriate Jira project and board.

Step 4: After completing the team details, click on the "Create" button. If you uncheck the "Move to Team after Creation" field, you'll return to the Dashboard, and if not, you'll enter the Team Overview page. Let's not uncheck and continue.

Step 5: The data on the Overview page will be empty until you assess the team. Start by assessing the first Scrum framework component. On the left menu, click on "Product."

Step 6: On the Product component page, the Summary tab will be empty. To start assessing the team, go to the first sub-component tab - "Vision" - and click on the "Assess" button.

Step 7: A pop-up will appear for Assess Vision, where you'll see the Vision criteria. Read through them and check if the team meets the criteria. After checking all criteria, click the "Assess" button or cancel the assessing process.

Step 8: After assessing the criteria, you'll return to the sub-component tab. The system will automatically assess the Vision sub-component, update the gauge chart, and generate conclusions and suggestions for improvement.

Step 9: If you want to leave your observations and add a conclusion, press the "Toggle" button to access the free text form.

Step 10: You can then click on one of the suggestions to read the details. If you think a system-generated suggestion is helpful, you can convert it into a coaching card and add it to the Card backlog by clicking the "Generate" button.

Step 11: If you find a suggestion irrelevant, you can hide it by clicking the "Ignore" button.

Step 12: You can reactivate ignored suggestions by clicking on "System-Generated Suggestions" and selecting the specific suggestion.

Step 13: Converted suggestions will appear in the Card Backlog section at the bottom of the sub-component tab.

Step 14: To re-assess the Vision criteria, click on the "Re-Assessment" button on the right side. Check or uncheck criteria and click "Assess." The system will generate appropriate suggestions and update conclusions based on the assessed criteria.

Step 15: To add a coaching card to the backlog manually, click on the "+" button in the Coaching Cards Backlog section and fill in the card fields.

Step 16: Once you've finished assessing a specific Scrum framework sub-component, you can continue to assess the remaining sub-components and components.

Step 17: Return to the Team Overview page by clicking on "Overview" in the left menu. Here, you'll see stats and the status of assessed or unassessed Scrum framework components.

Step 18: To access the backlog, click on "Home" at the top of the Overview headline, then select "Backlog" from the Dashboard in the left menu.

Step 19: On the Backlog page, you'll see all suggestions and coaching cards created from the Scrum framework sub-components Tab. You can filter coaching cards by teams or components or search for specific cards by name.

Step 20: To convert a specific suggestion into a coaching card, follow the steps outlined in Step 10. To create a coaching card, click on the "+" button in the Coaching Cards Backlog section and fill in the card details.

Step 21: You can then select the appropriate coaching card for work and move it to the "Selected for Work" section by changing the card's status from “Backlog” to “To do“ by clicking on the card and selecting the status field.

Step 22: To progress coaching cards to the "In Progress" or other statuses, go to the Board page by clicking on "Board" in the left menu.

Step 23: On the Board page, you can move coaching cards to the appropriate statuses using the drag-and-drop function and filter cards using the available filters.

Step 24: To view aggregated data and stats about your teams and coaching cards, click on "Dashboard" in the left menu.

Step 25: On the dashboard, you'll see created teams and coaching card stats. You can also view ongoing specific coaching cards by clicking on the right side of the "Ongoing Coaching Cards" section. Additionally, you can change the card status and priority using the fields provided on the cards.

Step 26: From the dashboard, you can also access specific team spaces by navigating to the "My Teams" section and clicking on the team's name. Here, you can view the team's maturity levels based on your assessments.

Step 27: If you want to see all teams created by users in your organization, click on "Coaching Teams" in the left menu. You can filter teams, users, and frameworks or search for teams by name.

Step 28: If you want to delete a specific team, click on the "..." button next to the team and select "Delete Team."

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